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Our grant database contains grants for education, health, government agencies, community and economic development, faith-based organizations, research institutions, small businesses, individuals, and more.
Nov 7, 2023

Welcome to Grants Warehouse

My name is Kimberly Guetersloh, and I am the founder and CEO of Grant Warehouse, LLC. It is my pleasure to welcome you to Grant Warehouse.


Category: General

Hello and Welcome to Grant Warehouse!

For more than three decades, I researched and wrote grants. My grant writing career started from simple necessity. I worked at a senior citizen center, and we never had enough funding for anything “extra”. When the Center’s copy machine died, we (the staff) had the responsibility of conducting a fund raiser to purchase a new machine. In the past, we had held many fund raisers (e.g. chili suppers, spaghetti dinners, and the old faithful, quilt auction) but rarely netted more than a couple hundred bucks. There just had to be an easier way to access some supplemental funding. One day, I was having a conversation with an Emeritus Professor, from SIU’s- School of Social Work. He asked if we had ever considered writing grants. I had never given much thought to grants; but had heard peers talk about the nightmare of writing and managing grants. None-the-less, I decided to conduct some research- after all, what could it hurt.

I made my way to the SIU Library and found the section containing grant resources. Amazingly, I found several that fit perfectly for the senior citizens center. To my utter amazement, the grant opportunities I found were easy to write and submit. In a few weeks we received a congratulatory letter, along with a check for $200. I was hooked on grants. Over the years, my grant writing efforts have brought in just under $30 million dollars to the southernmost region of Illinois.

Over the years, I made many trips to research grants. I would jot down the funder’s name, interests, and other specifics in notebooks. This was BC (Before Computers) so the process was very clunky. After computers, and the Internet became staples of life, I started saving grants electronically. Over the years, I accumulated tens of thousands of grants. My dream was to compile the information into a web-based grant research site that was not only user-friendly, but more importantly affordable. Small non-profits, community programs, and religious organizations provide many great services, often with little to no funding. These organizations could do so much more with just a few more monetary resources. There are governmental services to assist small businesses/ entrepreneurs, but few to no resources to help ensure the success of smaller non-profits. Grant Warehouse currently provides free resource development services to help small organizations understand how grants can assist with their sustainability and future growth.

Even though the focus of Grant Warehouse is on smaller organizations, we haven’t forgotten those larger organizations. We have tens of thousands of grants for larger organizations, small business owners, entrepreneurs, cities, counties and municipalities, students, individuals and many others. Hundreds of new grants are added each month. Also, if your organization is looking for funding for something specific, reach out to us and we will conduct research to try to locate available grant opportunities.

In addition to providing grant opportunities, at a low monthly rate of $13.99, Grant Warehouse will also offer training opportunities (e.g. Grant Writing- Basics, Grant Writing- Advanced, Board Development, Managing Grants, etc.) at a very nominal amount. If you have questions about any aspect of grant writing, reach out to us and we will happily assist you. At Grant Warehouse, “Our Goal is to Help You Reach Yours”.

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